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Colors Of Poop Color Palette

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Color Hex RGB
#82813d (130,129,61)
#665a2c (102,90,44)
#3c302c (60,48,44)
#4c1a1a (76,26,26)
#474d22 (71,77,34)

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15 May 2024, 3:10 poopspecialist

zorga borga

15 May 2024, 3:09 poopspecialist

once a very wise person told me poop is stincky until its dry and once its dry, we get new poop, stinky poop, brown poop caca eats peezorga borga

15 May 2024, 3:07 poopspecialist

you are a disgrace, poop brown is very stinky in the stinky toilet, you should preserve your poop, a tip to preserve it is by putting salt to make it dry and stiff.

15 May 2024, 3:04 poopspecialist

Actually that green is two shades off. Poop is regularly mistaken for a brighter green, however scientifically this is not possible and incorrect, you should be ashamed of your unethical and disgusting misrepresentation of the sacred fecal matter in this world. Stool is necessary and those who participate in the digestion of stool, whether homosapiens or other species i will not specify, we are deserving of a world where feces are taken seriously and where we, consumers of said stool, are respected, praised even, for our dedication and biological love for fecal matter. Brown feces will always be more desirable than green feces, but all feces should be accepted. even unusual feces, like pink or red. Perhaps red stool would have a more satisfying taste and aroma caused by the blood.

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